StudyAdelaide Health & Care Careers Tour
The StudyAdelaide tour aimed to introduce highly-qualified, work-ready graduates to prospective employers in the health care, allied health, and aged care sectors in our region.

Regional Drought Resilience Plan
The Regional Drought Resilience Plan represents a proactive response to changing temperatures, rainfall variability, and shifting seasonal patterns in our region.

Inspired Leadership 2024
This engaging, immersive leadership program has been developed for aspiring, emerging and established leaders across the Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island.

Fibre Optic Connection for Kangaroo Island
Learn how RDA AHFKI have been working with key stakeholders to help secure fibre optic cable for Kangaroo Island and the benefits it will bring.

Place Based Capital Program
Helping local communities and organisations to create locally led, locally owned, prosperous, self-sufficient, resilient financial systems and economies.

Hills & Coast Business Grant 2022
Discover how the Hills & Coast Business Grant helped local manufacturing businesses level up their businesses. Read their case studies here.

Regional Housing
RDA AHFKI has been working with various stakeholders to provide short and long-term solutions to worker accommodation shortages on Kangaroo Island.

Inspired Leadership 2023 Program
RDA AHFKI is considering leadership development in the region. Discover how we’re helping to support our future regional leaders.

Regional University Centres
Regional University Centres (RUC) program takes an innovative approach to helping students access and complete tertiary education without leaving their communities.

Hills & Coast Business Grant 2021
Discover how the Hills & Coast Business Grant helped 8 local businesses build on their ideas and support their businesses growth. Read their case studies here.

Employer Support
Connecting employers with work-ready staff Regional Development Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island works directly with employers to offer a no-cost recruitment solution to help…

Regional Work SA
Regional Work SA Real Work. Real Experience. Regional Development Australia Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island has partnered with the State Government to launch an…

Staff Sourcing & Training
Find the right people with the right skills Our Workforce Development team works with employers, employees and job seekers to match the right people with…

Transport Recommendations for the Adelaide Hills
FEB 2022 Mass Transit Study Summary Report and Recommendations Infrastructure South Australia (ISA) released the Mount Barker Mass Transit Study which set out key findings…

Strathalbyn Abattoir
Project Summary After the closures of Kangaroo Island, Normanville and now Strathalbyn abattoirs, the Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island are without an abattoir of scale. Consequently,…

Launch Your Own Business
Project Summary Everyone recognises the value of new business startups. Investment, employment, Gross Regional Product, exports, and commercial tenancy rates amongst many other economic indicators…

Resilient Hills & Coasts
Resilient Hills & Coasts is a collaborative, cross-sector partnership between councils, Landscape Boards, Regional Development Australia and the South Australian Government, working to strengthen the resilience of our communities, economies and natural and built environments to a changing climate.

Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula Regional Public Transport Study
We undertook a public transport study across the Fleurieu and Adelaide Hills looking at future demands to develop ideas to improve public transport.

Investment Attraction: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Middle East Market Opportunities AsiaAustralis has been engaged by Regional Development Australia Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island to research and recommend its Middle East…

Autonomous Vehicle Trial
Following a visit to Tonsley Innovation District, RDA AHFKI identified an opportunity to trial an autonomous (driverless) vehicle in its region. A use case was…

Northern Rail Freight Bypass
We undertook a public transport study across the Fleurieu and Adelaide Hills looking at future demands and develop ideas to improve public transport.

Electric Highway
The Electric Highway project will build on earlier work undertaken on Kangaroo Island with the development of solar arrays and six electric cars for sustainable…

Investment Attraction: China
“Efficient infrastructure is essential to driving sustainable economic development and growth, lifting levels of productivity and boosting employment. It is critical to encouraging business innovation…

Food and Healthy Ageing
The Food and Healthy Ageing Market Segmentation activity was a partnership between the South Australian Government and Regional Development Australia Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo…

Inclusive Tourism
Inclusive Tourism or Accessible Tourism aims to ensure that people of all needs are able to access tourism products. This project is part of another…

Tapping the Demographic Dividend
“Look for ways that older Australians can participate more effectively in our society and our economy to the best of their abilities” The Blueprint for an…

VIBE Skilled Volunteering Project
Following consultation and project scoping in 2016-17 the VIBE project was delivered from mid 2017 through to end of March 2018 by Southern Volunteering as…

What Seniors Need and Want Market Research
McGregor Tan was engaged in 2016 to undertake market research on “What Seniors Need and Want” across the Fleurieu Peninsula as part of Tapping the…

No One Need Eat Alone Tonight
Social isolation is a major cause of poor health including nutrition and mental health and affects 1 in every 3-4 people who live alone. This…

Make it Intergenerational
A small grant was provided to the Community Hub at Goolwa to improve communications and interactions between the generations by engaging young people in interviewing…