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15 January 2021
On Demand Public Transport trial extends to Nairne and Littlehampton
The Keoride On Demand Public Transport trial service in Mount Barker is being extended to June 2021. From Monday 18 January, the Mount Barker On…
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Funding for Electric Vehicle Chargers
Expressions of Interest are now being sought from commercial property owners and tenants who would like their site to be considered as part of a…
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Finding Staff
Real Work, Real Experience is an initiative of the South Australian Government to support the uptake of seasonal and regional jobs in South Australia, particularly…
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17 December 2020
Building Better Regions Fund Guidelines Released Round 5
The Australian Government has released guidelines for round five of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF). BBRF includes an Infrastructure Stream and Community Investment Stream. The…
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15 December 2020
Regional Tech Hub to assist Remote Internet Users
The Regional Tech Hub has been established to assist people who live and work in regional, rural and remote parts of Australia to get the…
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New Projects Announced for our Region!
Additional funding into the South Australian economy will soon be unlocked thanks to projects announced as part of the State Government’s Tourism Industry Development Fund.Through the…
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Woodside and Parndana in Top 5 Ag Town of the Year
The top five Agricultural Town of the Year 2020 finalists have been revealed!Almost 5,000 public votes were cast to choose five finalist towns from 70…
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Traineeship Opportunities
Up to $28,000 is available to assist with wages for each employee that becomes a Trainee or Apprentice in your business. To assist with the…
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9 December 2020
Thinking of Starting a Business?
RDA AHFKI are considering delivering an online course in the region for people who are thinking about starting a business. Course fees for successful candidates will be…
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Are you looking for harvest work?
In these unprecedented times of COVID-19, many Australians are looking for work.The Australian Government’s Harvest Trail Services (HTS) is here to help. It is a…
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Are you a grower or farmer looking for workers?
Many growers and farmers urgently need workers to meet their harvest demand so they can continue to provide Australians with fresh Australian-grown produce. The Australian Government’s Harvest…
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Have your say on the future of local landscapes
You are invited to help create a plan that captures the community’s values and provides a clear vision, targets and priorities for action. Everyone is welcome…
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