Project snapshot
Alignment with RDA strategy
- Population growth
- Access
- Regional Jobs
- Economic development
Alignment with RDA strategy
- Population growth
- Access
- Regional Jobs
- Economic development
FEB 2022
Mass Transit Study
Summary Report and Recommendations
Infrastructure South Australia (ISA) released the Mount Barker Mass Transit Study which set out key findings and recommendations for options to address passenger transport issues between Adelaide and Mount Barker. These included:
- More frequent services between the hills and Adelaide
- Investment in additional Park n Ride facilities
- Redesign of local bus services for better connections
- Corridor improvements at key intersections and along Glen Osmond Rd.
- New buses with higher levels of amenity suited to the region’s topography and climate
- Bus stop improvements including shelter and access.
SEP 2021
Transport Solutions for the Adelaide Hills
Regional Development Australia Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island in conjunction with Regional Development Australia Adelaide Metropolitan (RDA) have released two significant reports setting out key transport recommendations for the Adelaide Hills to improve people and freight transport for the region.
This project follows on from previous projects undertaken by RDA Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island and stakeholder partners, including:
- Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula Regional Public Transport Study
- Northern Rail Freight Bypass Study
To initiate the development of transport recommendations for the Adelaide Hills, a workshop was held in Mount Barker in December 2020 with key stakeholders including representatives from local government, state government agencies, freight operators and industry bodies, people transport operators, RDA’s, RAA, Infrastructure SA, and industry consultants.
Two sub-groups specifically considered the challenges and solutions for improved people and freight transport. The result is two reports with very clear recommendations including:
For people transport:
- Design and implementation of two Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services (routes) between Adelaide and the Adelaide Hills with the following key features:
- High frequency services on shortest routes with minimum stops including upgraded and new Park n Rides.
- Buses suited to the gradients to maintain effective travel speeds and with improved bus amenity.
- Optimised with:
- Bus corridor improvements along Glen Osmond Road.
- Implementation of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) to support transition between modes of transport.
- Dedicated or preferential BRT lane access options.
Special note on rail: Whilst BRT services outlined in this report could be expected to provide a solution for foreseeable forecasts of population growth, in the long-term, consideration should be given to investigate business cases for rail options that result in travel times supportive of high patronage.
For freight transport:
- Short-term (to 2025)
- Additional works to the Hills Freight Bypass targeting road safety and capacity improvements.
- Improved public transport services to grow patronage and relieve congestion on the SE Freeway.
- Medium-term (to 2030)
- Silver (significant upgrades) or Gold (greenfield route) standard responses to the current Greater Adelaide Freight Bypass planning study.
- Silver standard solutions for metropolitan freight movement along a primary route incorporating Cross Road and a completed North-South Corridor.
- A heavy vehicle road user charging scheme trial.
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