
RDA Farewells Peter Wadewitz

It is with a blend of deep appreciation and regret, we announce that Peter Wadewitz will be leaving the RDA AHFKI Board.

Bringing more than 8 years of service to a close

It is with a blend of deep appreciation and regret, we announce that Peter Wadewitz will be leaving the RDA AHFKI Board, effective 14 June, 2024.

Peter has been a valued member of our Board since 2016. In announcing his departure, Peter reflected fondly on his time with RDA AHFKI.

Peter Wadewitz

“Serving on the RDA board has been a highlight of my professional life. The knowledge I have gained, the partnerships I have built, and the progress we have achieved together in regional development have been invaluable.

It has been an honour to contribute to our mission of fostering economic growth and community well-being in regional areas.”

Peter’s commitment to regional development extends beyond his role on the board. His innovative work with Biobins, particularly his success in securing a contract to supply organic composting bins to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, stands as a testament to his leadership and vision. This local initiative, with its roots in Willunga and a production facility near Langhorne Creek, exemplifies the positive global impact of our regional enterprises.

James Sexton, Chair of RDA AHFKI, expressed his gratitude, saying, “Thank you for all the years of support, leadership, and guidance to the RDA. We have enjoyed your wise counsel and your company.”

Victoria MacKirdy, Deputy Chair, added, “Your contribution to RDA over many years is a testament to your ongoing leadership in our region. We cannot thank you enough. You will be missed.”

While Peter steps down from his role, his dedication to RDA AHFKI’s vision and objectives remains unwavering. He assures us of his continued support and championing of regional development causes, albeit outside the capacity of a board member.

We extend our deepest thanks to Peter for his invaluable contributions and wish him the very best in his future endeavours.