
Traineeships in the Home & Community Care Sector


11 October 2022, 11:00am–12:30pm

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Presentations from MAS National, MEGT, Department for Education & the South Australian Skills Commission to unpack traineeships in the Home & Community Care sector.

Presentations from Australia Apprenticeship Support Networks, Department for Education & the South Australian Skills Commission to unpack:

  • supports within traineeship agreements and wage subsidies
  • funding for training staff employed through a traineeship agreement
  • practical advice to address misconceptions about trainee supervision in the home and community sector.


The Australian Government Department of Employment and Workforce Relations (DEWR) in partnership with the Boosting the Local Care Workforce (BLCW) program delivered an industry leaders’ workshop in Adelaide on 17 June 2022 to unpack the issues contributing to workforce shortages.

The workshop was an opportunity to discuss the issues impacting on workforce supply, attraction and retention and discuss innovative industry-driven solutions for growing and sustaining the aged care workforce in South Australia. Strategies proposed from this session that have shaped this webinar include:

  • Medium and large Aged Care providers increase their uptake of existing government funded initiatives and resources to support the development of their in-house mentoring capabilities
  • Networks are established to strengthen coordination of the inter-related parts of the Aged Care industry to develop and trial a range of innovative workforce training and supply initiatives.

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Time:11:00am – 12:30pm
Register To Attend