
Applying for Competitive Grants

Online Event!

7 December 2020, 10:30am–12:30pm

This is a past event. View upcoming events →

This free interactive session will provide practical know-how on the key factors and steps involved in applying for competitive grants raised by various governments:

  • How to undertake an upfront assessment of grant eligibility and whether it’s the right strategic and competitive fit for the business to apply.
  • The importance of compliance with the eligibility and merit criteria in the competitive grant evaluation process.
  • How to develop and present better grant applications, including the types of information required and the importance of substantiating claims and appending appropriate documents.
  • Appreciating the time, effort and skills needed to prepare a compelling grant application with a focus on success.

Each participant will receive a guidance material on what to consider and how to approach applying for competitive grants. Attendee numbers will be limited to 30 SME’s as this will be an interactive session.

Register here