Workforce survival techniques for the care & support sector
The Fleurieu Care and Support Sector Network is a joint initiative of Regional Development Australia Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island Workforce Program, the Boosting the Local Care Workforce Program, and Local Jobs Program.
Attracting and retaining suitably skilled staff to the care and support sector remains a challenge for the Fleurieu region (and beyond). The challenges are complex and multi-layered. They cannot be fixed overnight and require collaboration between all levels of government, industry/employers and community.
Through collaboration, we have established a network of 80 active members who are able to learn from each other, share challenges and opportunities, and endeavour to work together to develop place based solutions to the workforce challenges.
Richard Scollin, Workforce Program Manager, Regional Development Australia Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu & Kangaroo Island
The Fleurieu Care and Support Sector Workforce Network brings together industry and employer representatives, and all levels of government, to look at the workforce challenges and opportunities and develop on-ground, place-based solutions that address those challenges and opportunities.
On Friday, 24 February, 2023, more than 35 industry and employer representatives from across the Fleurieu attended a breakfast event where they heard presentations on topics including:
- Navigating the traineeship system and supports available;
- Group Training as a support for your business;
- Understanding your existing staffs skills and mapping it against qualifications.
Attendees also heard from Jane Pappin, Owner of Pop-Up Health, which provides in-home care services for people requiring support. Jane explained how she started her business after identifying a need for personalised in-home care services.
From humble beginnings, the family owned and operated business has now grown to more than 500 hundred staff who provide in-home services across metropolitan Adelaide, and out into regional areas including Goolwa. Jane spoke passionately of her ‘people first’ approach to attracting and retaining staff:
Give me the person who has the right attitude, and we will provide then the skills and knowledge needed to do the job.
Jane Pappin, Owner of Pop-Up Health
A key element of Pop-Up Health’s approach includes assigning mentors to each new employee, supported by regular coaching and professional development for all staff. Finally, celebrating cultural diversity and staff successes is a key part of developing and maintaining a good workplace culture, and Jane highlighted the importance of a strong workplace culture to a successful business.