
Regional Growth Fund 2021-22

This year $15 million has been allocated for the Regional Growth Fund.

The 2021-22 Fund will support:

  1. Up to $5 million for the Regional Growth Fund Competitive Grants – applications are now open and will close 12 noon on Monday 12 July 2021.
  2. $10 million for the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development to commit to strategic regional growth projects – open year-round for applications.

Funding will be provided for projects that deliver tangible benefits to regional South Australia. This may include new or improved capital works, infrastructure, facilities and similar investments.
Applicants are expected to contribute at least half of the total financial costs of the project. 

Applications to the Regional Growth Fund are limited to: 

  • Local Government bodies
  • Incorporated Associations
  • Registered Charity/Company Limited by Guarantee
  • Co-operatives
  • Business Clusters

Applicants can seek grants from $50,000 up to $2 million.
Applications will close 12 noon on Monday 12 July 2021.

RDA can help you:

  • Determine your eligibility
  • Check you are ready for the application
  • Guide and review your application
  • Provide details of grant writers
  • Provide a letter of support for your application

Please review all the fund details before submitting your application.
For RDA assistance please contact us sooner rather than later on 8536 9200 or