Shop Local SA
Located in Stirling
Covering South Australia and exporting internationally.
0422 907 467

We are all about supporting the vendor business because if they are strong, so are we, and so is our state.

Located in Stirling in the Adelaide Hills, Shop Local SA is a business with a purpose to support South Australian businesses to sell online in a supported way.
Businesses need to be selling online to meet consumer expectations, but even then, there’s the marketing challenge of getting consumers to find you. That’s where Shop Local SA can help.
We have developed an online sales platform with a South Australian focus. Equipped with easy-to-use systems and built in marketing support, Shop Local SA provides a road map for businesses to embrace eCommerce, stay visible online and connect with customers.
Shop Local SA offers local businesses their own full-featured online shop, with expert support to get setup and selling quickly. For businesses already selling online we offer a new distribution channel to reach more customers and drive sales.
Shop Local SA is South Australia’s leading online marketplace designed to help local businesses embrace the “new normal” of digital business, all supported by a local team.
What issues or problems are you solving for customers?
We solve a number of problems for our customers – for vendors we solve the problem of working out how to sell their products online in a cost effective way, we solve the marketing challenge of getting in front of consumers online, and we solve the problem that many business owners have of just not having the time to dedicate to online sales and marketing – Shop Local SA does this for them.
For consumers we offer a one stop shop where consumers can actively show their support for local businesses by being able to transact in a safe and easy way. No longer do they need to trawl the internet jumping in and out of individual sites to purchase – now they can do it all in one place.

What is your business’ point of difference in the marketplace?
We are South Australia’s leading online marketplace – our point of difference is our broad category base – we are for all South Australian businesses from tourism, to fashion, to manufacturing to food and wine.
44% of online shopping now occurs in online marketplaces. As a vendor it is easy to get lost in a marketplace environment – not with Shop Local SA – we highlight our vendors at every opportunity including at product view level, region and town level. We are all about supporting the vendor business because if they are strong, so are we, and so is our state.
Consumers can come to Shop Local SA knowing they will get a broad range of products from South Australian businesses to purchase, and a direct connection with the business they are supporting, all with the convenience of our leading ecommerce technology that allows multi-vendor checkout and safe and secure transactions.
Do you network with other businesses in your region and if so, how?
Yes, we do network with other businesses, both in the Adelaide Hills and beyond. We attend events such as the Rethinking Business event held late last year at the Adelaide Hills Convention Centre in Hahndorf, we meet regularly with council and business groups and are active members of industry groups. Networking offers so many benefits – professional development opportunities, sales opportunities, and just connecting with other like-minded people.
If there was one realistic thing you could change, what would it be?
Having an attitude of collaboration vs competition, especially when you are a regionally based business. We a firm believer of the benefits of collaboration, working together to achieve a greater result. Whether it is working with businesses along your street that you can cross promote with, or your local business group, or a networking group, coming together to share ideas, market together, and learn can deliver huge benefits.
This is the philosophy we have built Shop Local SA on – not only do we all benefit from marketing collectively together, our vendor community are connected and can share ideas, come up with solutions and work together to promote our great state and the businesses in it!
If you’d like to broaden your digital footprint and be part of our online marketplace register here or call us on 0422 907 467.
Visit our marketplace at: