Harmonic Design
Projects located in Fleurieu Peninsula, Adelaide Hills and Adelaide.
0425 731 537
Due to 18 years of experience and a passion to deliver high quality work on all fronts, our capabilities are practically unlimited.
At Harmonic we design buildings which aspire foremost to be sculptural and functional. This may be as simple as reflecting the urban fabric, as shelter in vernacular form or even as a bolder abstracted expression – either way you can be assured that Harmonic Design deeply considers the choices of materials and methods, volume and proportion, colours, outlook, ergonomics and comfort that will ultimately be realised within your project.
What issues or problems are you solving for customers?
We believe Ecologically Sustainable Design cannot be divorced from great architecture and we are determined to ensure that when crafted, our buildings, landscapes and even villages will be intrinsically sustainable, wearing their presence gracefully into the future.
What is your business’ point of difference in the marketplace?
Due to a combination of being a young business but also as a “Building Designer” we offer residential and commercial clients the opportunity to engage with a premium design service at a competitive price point.
People tend to expect that there are Architects and ‘Drafties’ and nothing in-between. They think that architects design and drafts-people ‘draw’. Those perceivable differences are too simple and yet if you take those examples, Harmonic Design is bridging the gap and then adding the cherry on top. Due to 18 years of experience and a passion to deliver high quality work on all fronts, our capabilities are practically unlimited.
Do you network with other businesses in your region and if so, how?
It is our intent that buildings should be realised by those who are similarly motivated with a passion for the built and natural environment. We aim to collaborate with builders since our efforts combine to produce the ultimate outcomes. We are a member of several organisations and frequently network with creative thinkers inside and outside our industry.
Harmonic has great respect for the sweat, energy and precision of each and every trade which contributes to realise our shared aspirations.
If there was one realistic thing you could change, what would it be?
- Awareness of the term ‘Building Designer’ throughout Australia. Essentially this is a ‘brand differentiation’ that’s better understood in the eastern states.
I am registered in Victoria as a Building Practitioner; ‘Draftsperson’ (unlimited design license) which is a classification regulated by the Victorian Building Authority. SA, NT, WA has no such regulation. - Awareness of ‘green-washing’ which is endemic in the AEC industry due to lack of industry-wide classification of materials. Also, greater auditing of buildings being built in accordance with design specification.