
Regional Data

Explore online statistics and data sources that provide relevant facts to support and inform all manner of decisions in our region.

Data is critical to inform and support decision-making, planning, and strategy.

The Regional Economic Health Check (April 2022) provides an in-depth review of the social and economic makeup and performance of the region. It determines how the economy and individual sectors are performing, what the impacts of COVID-19 were and how the region is recovering, and what the future holds.

The following databases are free to use and provide the latest available social and economic data. If you need help using or interpreting data, or have a project that would benefit from an economic impact model for finance, investor or grant funding support, contact our team.

Community Data

The RDA Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Community Profile provides demographic analysis for the Region and its suburbs based on results from the 2016, 2011, 2006 and 2001 Censuses of Population and Housing. The profile is updated with population estimates when the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) releases new figures.

Economic Data

The RDA Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island’s economic profile presents economic information that enables you to describe the area’s role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote the area’s strengths. The information presented here is derived from official sources of information (Australian Bureau of Statistics) as well as Australia’s leading economic modellers, the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research.

Regional Data Hub

The Regional Data Hub connects Australians to data and insights about their communities. It can help you:

Regional Wellbeing Index

The Wellbeing Cities and Regions Wellbeing Index from SGS Economics & Planning provides a deep dive into the impacts of public policy at a local level. For our region the data covers two areas – the Adelaide Hills, and combined Fleurieu/Kangaroo Island. The data looks at Gross Regional Product (GRP) along with six wellbeing indicators:

  • income/wealth
  • employment/knowledge/skills
  • housing
  • health
  • equality
  • environment

Data SA

Data SA is the Government of South Australia’s open data directory, home to over 1500 datasets. Over 70 South Australian government departments and local councils release and maintain datasets on Data SA.

  • find a dataset by organisation
  • find a dataset by topic
  • visit the Data SA Apps & Ideas section to see how open data can be re-used to solve problems and benefit the community
  • ask an agency to consider releasing a dataset

Progress in Australian Regions Yearbook 2019

The Progress in Australian Regions – Yearbook is a statistical resource that measures progress in a region against social, economic, environmental and governance indicators. The Yearbook brings together information about Australia’s regions from a range of different sources and presents that data in a consistent format over time.