
Speed Networking

Auchendarroch House

30 August 2024, 7:15am–8:30am

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Speed networking breakfast

Join hosts Mount Barker Business Group to expand your professional networks and confidence talking to new contacts.

Networking can cause a bit of anxiety even for the most extroverted person. Entering a room full of people, most of whom you’ve never met before, and engaging in small talk can be daunting!

The default position is to talk to people we already know.

Is an invaluable way to expand your connections, uncover new business opportunities, get introduced to potential business partners and new clients and tap into trusted resources or service providers that can help you or your business.

Speed Networking
A great way to fill up your diary and meet many more business professionals in one laser focused session. You’ll move around the room meeting people and spending around 2 minutes with each person. A fantastic way to quickly make new connections in a short time.

Event Details

Date: Friday | 30 AUG 2024
Time:7:15am – 8:30am
Venue:Auchendarroch House
17 Adelaide Rd
Mount Barker
Book your place

Event Address

Auchendarroch House
17 Adelaide Rd
Mount Barker